In order to pursue an Arizona Gifted Education Provisional/Endorsement, please refer to the Arizona Department of Education for all requirements. It is suggested to contact the department of education regarding coursework already completed that may qualify towards certification.
Six semester hours of Gifted Education coursework are required as partial fulfillment of the provisional. The provisional is valid for three years and is not renewable.
Completion of twelve semester hours of courses in gifted education is required as partial fulfillment for the endorsement.
ECC offers a cadre of Gifted coursework that can be applied towards this certificate.
All courses are three-credits with a total tuition rate of $675.00 per course.
Course Descriptions
EDZU 9447 Teaching the Gifted Learner
This course explores definitions of giftedness, ways of identifying gifted students, and types of programs developed for this population. Issues in education of the gifted are identified and addressed and students are introduced to concepts that apply to the gifted endorsement. Strategies for meeting the needs of the gifted student in the regular classroom are included. Students will prepare appropriate curriculum units for gifted students.
EDZU 9445 Double Labels in Gifted Education
This course explores definitions of giftedness, learning disabled, ADD, ADHD, behavior disorders, blind, deaf, etc. from the view that gifted students are sometimes learning disabled, ADD, ADHD, behavior disordered, blind, deaf, etc. Specific ways to adapt classroom curriculum will be shared as well as ways to support students in moving beyond the limitations of these disabilities.
EDZU 9446 Effective Program Models for Gifted Education
This course provides students the opportunity to explore various delivery models for gifted education currently in use nation-wide. Models will be looked at carefully and critically and successful components will be identified. Models to be considered include consultant, self-contained gifted classrooms, clustering gifted students in regular classrooms, transporting gifted students to a central site, pull-out programs, acceleration of academic work, advanced placement, and Renzulli’s Schoolwide Enrichment Program.
EDZU 9612 Introduction to Gifted Education
This course introduces classroom teachers to the concept of gifted education and the varieties of philosophies emerging from this discipline. Students learn Arizona State Guidelines for Gifted Programs and explore gifted endorsement as a possible next step in their professional careers. The responsibilities of classroom teachers and teachers of the gifted will be differentiated.
The class will explore appropriate identification procedures and effective gifted models, practices, standards, and assessment techniques. Major emphasis will be on when, where, and how specific tools might be used to support a student or students in expressing their gifts effectively in ways that benefit all of society.
EDZU 9857 Social and Emotional Needs of Gifted Students
This course will focus on the affective needs of gifted students by exploring research and material relevant to the social and emotional components of giftedness. Perfectionism, underachievement, depression and other issues commonly found within the gifted population will be explored in depth. Specific strategies for helping gifted students with these issues will be introduced and participants will develop a plan for integrating affective training into their daily classroom activities.