In order to pursue an Arizona ESL Provisional/Endorsement, please refer to the Arizona Department of Education for all requirements. It is suggested to contact the department of education regarding coursework already completed that may qualify towards certification.

Six semester hours of ESL Methods and ESL coursework are required as partial fulfillment of the provisional. The provisional is valid for three years and is not renewable.

Twenty-seven semester hours including a practicum and six semester hours in a single second language are required as partial fulfillment towards the endorsement.

ECC offers a cadre of ESL coursework that can be applied towards this certificate.

All courses are three-credits with a total tuition rate of $675.00 per course.

Course Descriptions

EDZU 9300 ESL Practicum

This course includes practical application of theories, methods and techniques used in ESL and BLE classrooms and the ELL student.

EDZU 9421 Methods of Teaching the ESL Child

This is an introductory course in bilingual/multicultural/ESL education. This course will focus on methods of developing lesson plans in language arts, science, math, and social studies for the English Language Learner (ELL). Emphasis on components of curriculum content, teaching techniques, second language literacy, development and evaluation of teaching materials. It is also designed to introduce teachers to issues in cultural diversity by taking a comprehensive look at research, policy, and effective practices.

EDZU 9420 Introduction to the Education of the ESL Child

This is an introductory course in bilingual/multicultural/ESL education. It is designed to introduce teachers to issues in cultural diversity to serve in schools with culturally and linguistically diverse students. The major goal of this class is to take a comprehensive look at research, policy, and effective practices in U.S. schools for students who are from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

EDZU 9319 Sociolingustics

This course entails the study of natural language in all its various social and cultural contexts and the implications for the language different student.

EDZU 9553 Culture, Community and School

This is an introductory course in bilingual/multicultural/ESL education. It is designed to increase teacher’s awareness of the many different cultural processes at work that we see in the lives of language minority students in our schools and communities. It is also designed to help teachers understand the factors that contribute in varying degrees to cultural identity; These factors are ethnicity, geographical region, national origin, social class, level of education, types of contact with other cultural groups, religion, gender and age.

EDZU 9632 Testing the ESL Student

Assessment plays a most complicated role in the education of English Language Learners (ELL). Assessment is also a key sensitive issue for underachieving culturally and linguistically diverse students who are proficient in English. This class will show how assessment serves to assist our students, how to assure us that all groups of students are receiving an equal education opportunity, how to identify areas of great need, and how to secure additional funding. We educators, teachers and administrators must understand assessment, keep informed of the constantly changing policy framework, and use assessment well to inform our practice.

EDZU 9630 Methods of Language Arts for the ESL Child

This is an introductory course in bilingual/multicultural/ESL education. This course will focus on methods of developing lesson plans in language arts for the English Language Learner (ELL). Emphasis on components of curriculum content, teaching techniques, second language literacy, development and evaluation of teaching materials. It is also designed to introduce teachers to issues in cultural diversity by taking a comprehensive look at research, policy, and effective practices. This class will open a window on classrooms in which English learners are actively involved in pursuing topics of their own choosing, using oral and written English to discuss and confer with classmates, read, write, report and share in the ongoing process of learning. Gradually, they advance their knowledge of English, expanding their discourse and refining their control of grammar, pronunciation, spelling, and mechanics.

EDZU 9907 Conversational Spanish I

This class is an introductory course that provides school personnel with the words and phrases needed for oral and written communication with students and their families. This course also provides teachers and staff members the necessary techniques to communicate with the Spanish-speaking members of the school population regarding student progress, regardless of their fluency level. Emphasis will be given to report card comments, parent conferencing phrases, and telephone and note messages.

EDZU 9908 Conversational Spanish II

This class builds on Conversational Spanish I and explores different strategies and avenues adult learners could take to improve second language acquisition. This course also helps in the understanding of the advantages and disadvantages adults have learning a second language. It discusses what hurdles we need to overcome to be able to communicate in a different language. In addition, this course gives committed participants enough language ability to understand, and to make them understood in a variety of situations inside or outside the school setting, providing them the foundation needed for further study the language, the culture and its people.